Board of Directors

Aric K. Perminter
Chairman & Founder
A visionary, a leader and a gentleman. Aric K. Perminter, Chairman and Founder, has embodied all three roles while guiding Lynx Technology Partners through its evolution into a multi-million dollar information security and risk management company.

Julian Waits
Board Member
Julian Waits is a seasoned business executive with a well a rounded background and over 30 years experience in technology based companies. He has been CEO, strategic leader for security start – ups, and a Board of Directors Advisor for many recognized security brands and growth – stage technology companies.

Joseph Yacura
Board Member
Joseph Yacura is a member of the S.U.N.Y. Oswego Foundation Board and head of the Audit and Finance Committee at the foundation. Lynx will benefit from his years of experience as VP and Chief Procurement Officer at Fannie Mae, IHG, Bank of America, American Express, and IBM. He is a seasoned entrepreneur, having founded his own successful supply management company.

Franklin Donahoe
Board Member
Franklin Donahoe is Chief Information Security Officer at Mylan Pharmaceuticals. He is the former Director of Information Security Architecture and Design and Risk Management at T – Mobile USA and manager with Deliotte and Protiviti consulting firms and also the former CISO of Costco Wholesale. He the Commissioner for Washington State African Affairs and a former United States Marine.

Deborah Plunkett
Board Member
Deborah Plunkett is a Retired Federal Senior Executive that served first as the Deputy Director and thereafter for over four years as the Director of the National Security Agency’s Information Assurance Directorate. She was the leader of NSA’s cyber defense, cryptography and information systems security missions.